May 12, 2017
Got Moves? Have Some Pregnancy Fun!
I woke up today feeling like I've been taking it a little too serious and needed to change it up a bit. Before I got pregnant, a friend...

Apr 14, 2017
Pregnancy: How to Prevent/Minimize Stretch Marks and Extra Skin During Pregnancy
I thought I'd VLOG instead of doing a full blog this week. Here are my personal tips for preventing stretch marks and extra skin...

Mar 22, 2017
First Trimester Blues With Gratitude
Never did I ever think I would have such an experience of misery regarding my health. Never did I ever think that it would come by way of...

Feb 13, 2017
Your Heart Beats Red. So Does Mine.
As you may know already from reading my blog, I am a praying, bible reading, empathizing, motivating, pragmatic realist, but not...

Jan 13, 2017
The Oh So Fun Sleep Training!
This is the bane of most parents existence! I mean, really, who wants to feel like the worst parent ever? No one really enjoys this stage...

Jan 4, 2017
Business or Busy-ness... Which Are You?
It's a new year people and everyone is getting their LIFE right now! Prioritizing, vision boards (if you haven't already), making lists...

Dec 28, 2016
No Excuses! Keep It Cute Moms.
This is near and dear to my heart because I was raised by this and realized a couple months ago I had fallen into the trap and become a...

Dec 14, 2016
Screw the PPD Label!... It's Called "First Time Mom"
Well here's my first post that is loooong overdue people... BUT (*drum roll)... I'm so exciteeeeeeeed! Ok so let's get right to it. This...