2 Wasn't As Bad... Age 3, I May Need Bail Money!
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Y'all this has not been a joke by far! I feel like this is the hardest for me this year for sure🤯... Poppi, my 3 year old, has not been the easiest to parent the last few months. People talk about 2 but the only things that almost took me out was potty training and him wanting to sneak out of his room at night which I remedied with a safety lock once I conjured up the courage to buy one. You can read all about that one in My Toddler Left Me No Choice. The other which was more so my fault because I underestimated his level of intelligence was when we went through this 30 day period of me thinking he may be somewhat behind the learning curve because of how he would respond to me but then I found out it was "toddler game 101" when they don't want to do what you're asking them to do.👊🏽... Shout out to my sister-in-law for helping me and telling me my kid was playing me the whole time! 😂 Then she told me the mind games he was playing with me at 2 were the games her genius daughter was just starting to play at almost 4! Other than that, everything else was pretty cool and manageable during age 2.
However, the closer he got to turning 3, I started questioning my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!
I mean, it's like I think I am the one losing it some days or that maybe my intelligence level is being challenged. Am I getting slower or losing it??? Is he really my child or no? Is this permanent? Will he be normal again?! Who's child is this? I was NOTHING like this as a kid! Where did he come from? Did I really sign up for this?!!!... not ONCE but TWICE!!! AND WHYYYY!!! Yo, I have quit parenting by Friday at 5pm so many times it's not even funny! I have taken the weekend off so many times! I've even had crazy thoughts of putting him O-U-T some days and this is before lunch even hits😳... That's how bad it's been some days😩...
On the bright side, I still feed him 3 times a day with snacks in between. I still give him treats too. 😂
Ok, but in all seriousness, this is what it's been like...
Follow Me:
1. When he turned 2, he was putting on his own clothes and shoes. He would put them on and be laying in the bed with his shoes on in the mornings which would crack us up because they were always on the RIGHT feet. FAST-FORWARD to the last 2 months. As of last week he doesn't know how.🤬🤬🤬
Takes him 15-20 minutes to put his shirt on; 10 minutes to put his pants on; I give up and put the shoes on because I'm so tire of fussing at him to put them on the right feet! OH and this is the kicker... HE PUTS EVERYTHING ON BACKWARDS!🤯🤯🤯... NEVER has he ever put his clothes and shoes on wrong in 2018 until he turned 3 in August!!! I use to hand him his clothes and tell him to get dressed. Meanwhile, I can dress the baby. We realized last week that he's been doing this on purpose because he doesn't want to do it at all. THIS IS E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y!!! Once he gets threatened or punished, then, shockingly, he gets dressed in 5 min. *Well Look At That!!! You haven't forgotten after-all! #TrickeryOfToddlers
2. He sneaks and eats snacks all day and I find wrappers all over the place without me ever seeing him. How is it that they have these NINJA skills so early!?
3. When disciplining him, he has mastered acting SLOW! He will act like he's slow until you threaten him with a spanking or actually give him one! Afterwards, he operates at a genius level! All this is him just tryin you alllllll the way to the end to see what he can get away with and it drives me up a wall!
4. So as stated previously, he has a masters in acting and he's working on his doctorate degree in STUBBORNNESS‼️
I signed him up for this homeschooling class that meets once a week. He makes her repeat herself at last 3 times before he does anything. He ignores her when she's one on one with him. He holds in ALL enthusiasm. He will not smile. He literally acts like he doesn't know anything! ON PURPOSE! I'm watching this poor lady on the screen go through flash cards with him and he was just being so lazy and unresponsive twirling his fingers and looking away and right when she's about to give up, Voilà! He starts calling out EVERYTHING CORRECTLY! BLESS HER‼️ Bless all the good teachers out there fighting day in and day out🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
5. Ok so, he's been potty-trained twice unfortunately. So for someone who hated the pot, has cleverly used it as a means to stay out of bed. If he gets up to pee ANY HOUR OF THE NIGHT, he will just sit on the pot for however many hours he can! He started doing this crap when he realized that when he poops, we always say, "Don't get off until we wipe you, ok?" Well the last couple months, if he is in his room for a nap or bedtime, he will just sit there because he knows if he's sitting there too long that we will assume he pooped and not fuss of course. So this is his new game to stay up in his room😤🤬🤯 when he's supposed to be sleep. How I know? I've let him sit on the pot for hours just to see how long he would sit there to keep from going to sleep. Children are relentless! DO NOT underestimate your child.

6. The other thing he started doing a lot this year is the constant whining about EVERYTHING!
Me: Poppi come here and let me put your shoe on real quick so we can go.
Poppi: 😭😭😭
Me: I didn't do anything! OMGOD! I don't get what just happened!
Also Me: I QUIT! *throws keys back in purse. We're not leaving the house. I don't even care anymore. We don't need to eat. We don't need groceries. I'm done. I can't take it!
7. Lastly, I'm so freakin over him and his private parts I don't know what to do! So, no one tells you when you have a boy that they become rudely obsessed with all things UNCOUTH. I've always called it "peeda" which is short for penis, because I can't stand the term. So of course, this is his favorite word all of a sudden the last 3 months!!! He walks around the house yelling "peeeeeeeeedaaaaaa" and even in the grocery stores! It tears my nerves up to shreds! So if he passes gas, no matter where we are or where I am, he finds me to tell me, "I pooted!" and falls out laughing. He will tilt his cheeks and push as hard as he can in his plastic chair when we're eating at the table so it can make the loudest sound possible for me to hear! During bath time, he has started doing what I call, silently of course, the "peeda dance." It's when he's naked and shakes his body from side to side so it moves too🤮!😭! WHEN I SAY I ALMOST PASSED OUT last week when he did it. Of course, husbands are NO HELP because while I'm trying to keep it together, he's shivering trying to hold his laugh in because he knows Poppi will NEVER stop doing this and will torture me for the rest of his toddler life if he sees him laugh so he walked out and fell out on the floor crying laughing instead! No help whatsoever!
When I say, he's been coming for everything I got left inside me, I mean it! A lot of it we realize too is because of the baby. He sees how the baby can get away with stuff so he wants to try it. This is where it gets fuzzy because we are trying to find the balance between disciplining him and the baby differently because the baby can get away with more. So the toddler digresses and tries to act like the baby. Hopefully, this stage will end soon but this is what age 3 has been looking for me. Maybe yours will be different.
In the meantime, have a wonderful week and remember you're already absolutely AH-MAZING!
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whole different life having a 3 year old and especially a BOY!