Let Daddy Be Daddy
Today I want to help the dads out. Let's face it. They're 50% responsible for how these crumb snatchers got here to begin with!!! However, we as moms take our responsibility so serious that we forget sometimes that the fathers are just as important, committed and over the moon about their kids as well. With that being sad, we've got to pull back on the reigns just a bit ladies. We've got to allow them to be the dad because believe it or not your kids deserve it and it helps them become the amazing person they were created to be. I know you think you're mom and dad but the truth is, there's things you can't instill in them the way another man can. Our influence only goes so far and that's a really HARD pill to swallow.
The thing is this, we do things differently and sometimes we pester them or breathe down their necks and we think we are helping but we are making Daddy not want to be involved in the simple every day tasks at all. (Hey I know some who want help out with anything because of it! 😳)... I know he may not bathe the baby the way you do or pick the snack you would pick to give your kid but you have to let it go. Just the other day, Hubbie dressed our 6 month old and put the onesie on backwards 😂. I laughed and told him he did good picking out the outfit but then I said, "Babe, ummm, you put it on backwards, but I can see how you could. It happens." Oh but I did laugh because if I can't have my laugh at your expense then you married the wrong one! lol! He looked and said, "I did? Ah man! It can't be" and so I showed him where the pocket was on the back of it.🤣... He then realized he missed that detail. SEE! Ladies some of you would have took it to the moon and back over something so tiny. I mean it's not like we were going anywhere that required perfection so we left it on him just like that. I for one have come a looooooong ways because I'm a pretty meticulous and tidy person and it even gets on my nerves sometimes! No really it does 😆. My kids have broken me completely in!😫
Now I know that not everyone had a great daddy or a dad period growing up but just hear me out for a few ticks...
Dads bring a sense of security that's unmatched by anyone. Their influence is forever in their kids lives (good or bad). They can give a hug like no other and tell you how amazing you are and it sticks like GLUE!!! They have their own unorthodox way with the kids that makes us moms pull our hair out at times too! Lol... Like you know how they do things a certain way with the kids especially when you're not around and when you just so happen to witness it, you need all kinds of translations to understand what the heck they're doing! HA!😂😩. My favorite (but not really) is when daddy is busy too and you tell him to watch the little one(s) and their version sometimes is NOTHING LIKE YOURS or what you ASSUMED IT WOULD BE; hence...
or when your child asks Hubby for a snack and you walk upstairs to this 😂😂😂... so unnecessary!

For instance, Dads are VERY CREATIVE in a weird and creepy way LOL!... Poppi wouldn't stop cutting the dish washer on so Daddy broke off a plastic spoon and taped it on the button 😂 and that was the end of the dish washer running and us FUSSING ALLLLL DAY!
You guys know what it's like to fuss about the same thing all freakin' day long! It's the most annoying thing ever! If I had a remedy for every time my kid does something, we would be the wealthiest people on the planet!!! This kid is now 2 and has a level of genius that's mind blowing and keeps us on our toes.
At the end of the day, I'm so so so so so so GRATEFUL to have a husband that's hands-on and helps out. Correction: He "wants" to help out and be a part. Now that we have 2 kids, he gets nervous when I leave the little one home though!🤣... He's still trying to balance having 2 of them when I'm not around but one thing is for sure, he will not let me see him sweat for NOTHING! Oh but wifey knows he's screaming on the inside at times. HA!
So cut him some slack ladies and "Let Daddy Be Daddy." The kids will live and they will love every minute of it with daddy. Now the house may be a DISASTER when you get home (in real life) but hey, at least you got out the house ALONE for a change! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 ... just help him clean it up and keep your mouth shut and a smile on your face ladies & vice versa fellas!🤩
In the meantime, have an amazing week and remember you are already absolutely AMAZING!😘