MOTHER-less Parenting Part 5: Do Your Part

Now that I've ruined your makeup with my journey to motherhood and the trials that accompanied it, where are you?... Are you the mom that wants to do better with your health so you're not leaving your kids behind?... Do you get regular checkups, mammograms, etc?... Maybe you're the mom that's fighting for your daughter or son to not have to experience you not being around for them? Either way, it's an unfortunate reality and people are living it everyday! Truth is, EVERYDAY women are dying! WE HAVE TO DO BETTER! I lost my mom and several of her sisters in a 2 year span. Yea, let that sit. Marinade. (Oh but the details surrounding that are for a later post.) Death is real. So-Fight-For-Your-Life.
My advice to you is to change your mindset so you can change your life. GO after your overall health with everything you’ve got! Give it your best shot! Cut OFF the "negative Nancies" and the people that do nothing but stress you OUT and contribute to your bad health!!! Learn to pray for people and love them from a distance. Start cutting back on things that you know you overindulge in and hold you hostage from where you want to be in your physical and mental health.
So, you know that little voice you hear sometimes that warns or tries to help you out and you tell it to go have several seats?... It kind of sounds like this 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
“You shouldn’t be eating that.”
“You’ve had enough.”
“Don’t buy that.”
"Stop answering the phone when they call."
"That person needs to be cut off."
“Today is the day to get started.”
"Don't keep listening to their negativity."
“Get up off the couch.”
“It’s time.”
“You can’t keep putting this off.”
That’s God trying to help you out because you’ve said, “God help me” and he obliged.
So now what are you going to do? Are you going to keep living like you have? How's that going for you? You know what the wise say the meaning of insanity is right?... It’s doing the same thing over and over but hoping for a different result each time.
NEWS FLASH!!! You’re still in the same shape and you will be until you do something different! My favorite quote is, “Change your mind. Change your life.” I’ll go more in depth with the true beauty of this in a later post but for now, we need to incorporate this truth. We are so stuck because we won’t change our thinking. We’re still giving a million + 1 excuses for everything. My favorite one is this one I hear waaaaaaay too much though👇🏽
“I don’t have time to workout.”
Lets just have a loooong moment of silence for those 6 words that have killed soooooo many people. You do know people have died for less right?
My response in my head is this, “You don’t have time to die today either or do you?”
So Ladies, "YOU" have to take care of you. We hear that as moms and women and it goes through one ear and out the other. I say "you" because we sometimes depend on others to do something that they're just not equipped to do or is even their responsibility to begin with. We have to take responsibility for our mental health, physical health, and our dedication to ourselves. Your family needs you and people along your journey need you. You're very important whether you believe that or not.
In the meantime ladies, have an a wonderful week and remember you're already AMAZING!!