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Spank Or Not to Spank?

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Moms this has become extremely sensitive and posed a lot of discussion the last 10-15 years. I mean it even has gone as far as having reality shows... you remember Supernanny!? I don’t know about all you moms but I get exhausted just looking at all the repetitious time-outs ALL DAY (because I’m not at home all day to implement that) and the constant having to drag the child back to their room all to avoid a pop on the hand which I’m not opposed to FYI! However, you do what works for you and for every child bc they’re all very different. Now, for the record I do see both sides of the argument because I ,personally, don’t believe in just one style of punishment. I believe in a good pop on the hand, timeout, as well as a trip to your room so you can think about why what you did was a bad idea!

Some kids only need a good scolding and they straighten up and fly right whereas others need timeout and then there’s that other group that just won’t take you serious until they get a good pop on the hand or butt. Mine is the latter these days😫 and that other one (the 14th month-old) we’re still trying to figure him out! 😝

What group is your child in???

Well at this stage, my 3 year old HATES being sent to his room more than a pop on the hand. Words (scolding) use to work on him but he’s graduated to the other two options. He cries longer over having to sit down by himself than he does a pop I must say. Now if he is tired and sleepy everything will make him cry, but I don’t even exert the energy when we’re at home, I just send him to his room. I’ve learned that when they’re sleepy like that and acting a HOTT double mess and you can’t even understand why they are doing crazy stuff and acting like they have NO HOME TRAINING, that it’s time to just send them to their room and let them cry it out all the way to sleep. Reason is because their comprehension and focus is very limited when they reach a certain level of sleepy. In these moments I sometimes implement what I call my “Whispering Ministry.”🤣😆😂YES I SAID IT! Whispering Ministry!... It’s when I just start talking so low and calm that he is confused when he does do something crazy because at that point, I already know what time it is. It’s time for you to gooooo‼️(You know EX-ACTLY these feelings so quit being judge-y.) At this point, I’m just waiting on you to do that one last thing that doesn’t quite add up to the level of your up-bringing so I can send (throw😂) you upstairs to your room.

So parents, what’s your methods of disciplining with your kids???

What works best?

In the meantime, have a wonderful week and remember you’re ALREADY AMAZING!🤩


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