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Time Management for WAHM🤦🏽‍♀️😎🤪 Is NO JOKE!

The thing about being a WAHM (Work At Home Mom) with kids is that you MUST have your stuff ➡️

t-o-g-e-t-h-e-rYou have to be organized and detail oriented and have a strict schedule. You can-NOT PLAY WITH YOUR TIME. Time is the one thing that you need if you're going to work from home with or without your kids. If you're not a good time manager or have great self-discipline then this will be like suicide to your livelihood. You must be productive and efficient so that you can get it done! It's not for the faint at heart!

Just think about how much control you have and how either you can do or not do🤔. I mean you have no one to answer to because you're the boss nor do you have to clock in!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽...

NEWS FLASH! You've still got bills to pay so if you don't work you don't eat boo!😩...

But fret not! You've got this WAHM! You're superwoman!!!💃🏽👩🏽‍🚒💃👠👑

Here are a few rules I follow that help me and maybe they can help you. If not, here's an idea and you tweak what you need to in order to fit your daily living.

Rule #1 - Your kids must be on a sleep schedule (i.e. set bedtime, nap time)...

This is so you can have a proper bed time or do whatever else that needs to get done after you lay them down. Also, so you can get adequate rest for the next day.🙌🏽 However, having a new baby can be difficulty. I sleep train my kids starting around 6 or 7 months. Before then, I had to work a little here and there when they were sleep. Sucked but it was what it was. Now if you can afford to pay someone about $10/hr

Rule #2 - You must get up with the chickens!🐓 ...

I get up between 4 and 5 on the weekdays. However, before I start doing anything, I have my personal quiet time where I read my Bible, pray, meditate, and say affirmations/confessions over myself, my family and my day. This is the part that jump starts my mind, body and spirit to tackle everything from that point forward good or bad. After this, I get dressed and workout. If I don't workout first then it WILL NOT get done!

Rule #3 - Write out a schedule for your mornings so you're not just working aimlessly...

This helps you stay on track of what you have to do. So for me, one of my days looks like the following:

5am - Quiet Time (prayer, etc)

6am - Workout

6:45am - Post workout shake

7am - Work Flow Starts!

8:00 - 8:30am - Baby is up but for only about 30 min and goes back to sleep for an hour 🙌🏽

8:30 - 9am - The Kid is up but plays around in his room or tears up another room 🤣til I call him for breakfast; I give him something to hold him like a banana if he just can't wait.

9:30 - I get the kids dressed and straighten up their rooms while food is keeping warm

9:45 -10am - Breakfast!!!

***Afterwards, I clean the kitchen, we get out and run errands if I have some, we have learning time, park, etc. So all in all I get about 2-3 hours to work in the morning and then another 2 hrs when they go down for nap time unless I still have errands to run. I get more done in those 3 hours than I use to get done with 5-6 hrs! It's crazy how God meets you when you have structure and put Him in the first part of your day!

TIP: CLEAN AS YOU GOOOOOOO! If they whine they whine. If they cry they cry but they will eventually develop patience and learn routine. You have to remember YOU'RE THE BOSS! My kids have to stay in their seats when they're done eating while I clean and wash dishes. Yes the baby is fussing. What's new?! He has gotten better though since now he knows what I'm doing and that he's not stuck forever. The Kid just sits because he knows he can't get down until I clean his face and hands. You will not get down and touch everything with your nasty sticky hands!🙅🏽‍♀️ Now he tries to sneak out of the chair but I catch him! 🤣

The more I get done during the morning period, the more at ease I can be and I'm able to be in the moment with my kids, clean poop, take Poppi to the pot 20 times and feed him 5 times before 2pm, get fussed and growled at by the baby and the list goes on. Y'all he really believes we are on the same level, age, and understanding!👊🏽 Dude you're like 11 months! I get fussed at the whole breakfast because he wants his bites faster or he sees the bowl getting low or it's empty or he can't reach his brothers food, etc! He is NO JOKE! I literally go back and forth with a baby🙅🏽‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. He cracks me up ALL DAY! I love those two poopers!

In the meantime, have a wonderful and productive week and remember that you're already AMAZING!

Leave me some comments Ladies and let me know if this helps!



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