This Year With 2 Kiddos + a Whole Husband Has Been a Game Changer!

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As I've been thinking a lot about this 2 kid life and a whole husband situation coupled with the outnumbering of testosterone, I must say it has been a learning curve for me. One thing it has not been... and that is for the weak! Chiiiiiiile, when I say this has been a real year of change, growth, opportunity, ups and downs, heart break, heart healing, deliverance, acceptance, wholeness and gratitude‼️ That it has been for sure!
I came into this year with a new baby and 2 year old in the same month😟, and I am leaving it with a 3 and 1 year old🤯? How Jesus?! It's been eye-opening, nonstop laughs even on the worst days having these 2. However, it has been really rough on others. Somehow, by the grace of God, I've managed to come out with a smile, more strength, and more push each time to finish each day with everyone alive. It hasn't always been easy a lot of days, but it's something about not quitting and praying your way through it asking for help 10 times a day if you have to that you get to see the rainbow every time.
So the cool side of having 2 kids is that they can play with each other versus you having to be the circus all the time. It's been pretty cool too being able to see the 1 year old, Poppa, do things much sooner in some ways than Poppi did. It's sad too because the second one goes MUCH FASTER than the first one and it's heart breaking most days. You just want them to stay tiny, sweet little cuddle bears forever but they actually have to grow. BUMMER😩. The things they've done that I've had to piece myself back together each time is when they are affectionate with each other and Poppi is allowing Poppa to pull his hair for whatever reason and give him kisses (really slob🤮) all over his face💙💙. It's the sweetest thing especially because he doesn't like a lot of that but he will let his brother do it. Watching them grow together is the best gift EVER and how close they are now FINALLY! It just took some getting use to but once Poppi realized Poppa was human then we were in there!
Now the balancing act of spreading your love around daily to 3 people is NO JOKE! You have 2 that need it to survive and the other one is like maybe later on I'll be in a huggy mood. So hopefully you did the math and realized the needy ones are the husband and baby. Ha! Yep you got that right! However, I still get all Poppi's sugar because it takes the edge off the nastiness in their attitude and behavior that they can have when they're not getting enough of it.
So how do I balance my attention with all 3 daily you ask??? Well, some days, I hit the mark and others I miss it all together. If I kiss on one then I try my best to kiss on the other one because in the last 4 weeks, we've entered a jealousy stage where Poppi wants the same attention and affection as the baby. But the thing that irritates me the most is the reversion of his behavior in how he wants to act like the baby. So if the baby slips and falls down 2 steps then he tries it and sits and whines on the floor to get the same response from us. Tears my nerves all the way up‼️ Hey, Linda, let's not forget how the first part of the year he was running amok upstairs at 2,3, and 5 in the morning!!! YES you can read all about it here in My Toddler Left Me NO Choice! I ALMOST NEEDED BAIL MONEY! Once we remedied that stage, we were good. Then it was the potty training nightmare where he had to potty train AGAIN which almost took me all the way out! Hunni, when I tell you that was probably the worst part of 2018 until lately after turning 3, when he all of a sudden doesn't know how to do basic things anymore like putting on his shoes and underwear! (see previous post). Just get rid of the whole child!... JK I'd miss his farts at the dinner table and all his annoying peeda songs that he does to aggravate the crap out of me😤.
As for that husband... *moment of silence people ... Ummmmm yea so we have to sneak and hug because Poppa will shut that down because he wants to be in every hug. So we have to group hug. So sad 😞. To get our real hugs in, we either wait til they are off playing out of sight or we spoon during their nap time for a few minutes uninterrupted instead😂. Just when you thought sneaking around was a bad thing altogether, you have to incorporate it into your marriage! Awful but necessary! So date nights are a must on the weekends because they are all over us on the weekdays!
Getting ready is A LOT so I try to do the main part like makeup and hair when they're asleep. If not, then Poppa is standing between my legs doing a spring cleaning of my cabinet while Poppi is out there doing God knows what which consists of him sneaking tons of snacks and doing chemistry in the kitchen with anything he can find (not real chemicals, mainly water and food). The other option is to get them situated with snacks and a t.v. show depending on how long it's going to take me. If not, then I'm screwed and a lot of screaming happens while I get ready if Hubbie isn't around. No, looking a hott double mess isn't an option for me so save it. I refuse to let myself go just because I'm a mom with 2 little ones. Besides makeup is weekend face. I look like a 16 yr old baby mama on the weekdays hauling them around and yes I get stares and all so on the weekend I WILL look like a hott adult woman by any means necessary! She's not about that busted and disgusted life! Sorry not sorry!
Well, lastly, I've definitely learned a lot about boys more than I care to know but that's for another blog post because I don't even know if half of it is appropriate to share‼️‼️‼️ Ya'll just inbox me or something if you have little boys for the first time because it's a true and tried experience of questions and concerns of things you don't know or anyone EVER tells you! HAVING BOYS I REALIZED, DADDY'S ARE LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY! Because I have no clue or answers for half the things that go on but Hubbie is there to put my mind to rest or give me the reassurance I need when I think they're disgusting little humans forever!
Anyways people, it's been the epitome of REAL but I would choose them over and over again! Yes we want 1 more and then we are done. In Jesus name amen.
In the meantime, have a fabulous week and remember you're already AMAZING!