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Labor/Delivery With Baby #2!

This time it all began a week prior to me giving birth...

Once upon a time there was a girl who got pregnant out of nowhere AGAIN and had her baby at 37 weeks + 2 days and Baby still weighed in as a 40 week Baby! Ha!... My little SnuggleMuffin

weighed 7lbs 3oz. and was 20.5 inches long with RED HAIR, DARK GRAY EYES, BLONDE EYEBROWS AND EYE LASHES!!!

Save your shock for someone who cares because NONE OF YOU PEOPLE can be more shocked than me. Someone needs to hurry up and invent a better ultrasound device that can show this stuff.🧐

Ok back to the story at hand. I just had to get that off my chest first. Now this time was literally day and night from my first labor and delivery which you can check out on my blog.

So it’s Tuesday and I am feeling good and I am in the room waiting for my OB to come in for my 36 week check up. The Braxton Hick’s had been intense since my last appointment. Now this pregnancy those things were more intense PERIOD and became beast mode around 28 weeks. My first pregnancy they were really cute and harmless. This pregnancy they came with a vengeance! I mean I could feel them in my chest so at nighttime when they were at there peak, I would have to sit up in the bed or else I would not be able to breathe because it was all the way up in my chest.

TMI Moment... Get Ready

Sooooooo... I can’t believe I am saying this... and I never even told my husband this... but...

There were plenty of nights that my contractions would cause an orgasm.🤦🏽‍♀️... I mean like it would start out as a Braxton Hick’s contraction and end with an orgasm. PICK YOUR JAW UP!

Literally. It's crazy! So embarrassing but true.

Ok so she comes in, we chat, checks me, and tells me I'm dilated 4 cm😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳...

I lift up in a calm state of panic and say, "Huh? What did you say? Did you say 4 cm? What do you mean? Are you sure? I mean I know your'e a professional but are you sure?" She says, "Yes," looking very confused and extremely shocked herself. With much concern she says, "You did say that you had family here right. I just don't want you to be on (interstate) 65 having this baby." “Wait what!” I say, "So I have until when? 38 maybe 39 right?" She says, "Umm no. I'm just hoping you can make it through to 37 weeks." *blank stare...

I look to Hubbie because he is tending to Ki, who just turned 2 over the weekend. He looks up LOST, eyes buck, and says, "What you say!? Did you just say 4 cm doc??? Wait hold up? What did you say? What exactly does that mean?!" WHEN I SAY HE ALMOST PASSED OUT I mean OUT!!! He had a headache and everything afterwards. Y'all he was seriously looking AND acting like this is his FIRST KID ever in life😂... I'm thinking...Dude! You got a kid already! Quit acting extra. I'm the one who has to try to keep this baby in somehow for another week! All that was missing was a camera crew because he was HI-LARIOUS! No but 5 minutes later, it hit me & I literally got light headed and had to sit down.🤯🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 Like who was the parent that day!??!

The Worst Part...

Is that I still have E-VER-Y-THING TO DO BEFORE THIS BABY COMES!!!!!!! I have nothing done!... no bag packed, room done, carpet shampooed, house cleaned, baby clothes for each sex after delivery (because I didn't know what I was having), Ki's clothes packed, etc. NOTHINGGGGGG!


He says, "You putting your feet up until your 37 week appointment next Tuesday!" I look at him crazy and say,"Yea, and everything is going to magically get done or do you plan to do it because you don't even know what to do!"

When I say that was the quietest 90 min ride home EVER IN LIFE! No one could speak. Our vocal cords were arrested and the keys were thrown OUT. I was in denial the whole time because I felt fine. No different than I had been feeling. Oh wait! He did manage to tell me that he almost passed out but he focused really hard to keep from falling. 😂🤣😂🤣

So I make it through the week and got everything done from my house getting cleaned, to my maternity shoot that Friday that had been scheduled for a month to getting my hair done! Hallelu! Two of my sisters-in-law came and helped me and then I hired out for the rest. I didn't want to because I like to save money just like you but it was much needed.

TIP: Sometimes as a mom and/or wife, you have to know when you can't do "IT ALL." If you have to pay for help then do so, but to try and get things done with your 2 hands ALL THE TIME is SUICIDE. You can't BE EVERYTHING to everybody and DO everything because you'll have nothing left over for yourself. The best parts will be dry and useless.

Ok so labor for me started 3 days before this go round. I delivered on Wednesday morning but on Sunday, I could not even get up for church because I had been experiencing discomfort and didn't know what it was. Monday the same thing. Tuesday was my 37 week appointment and waiting for 3pm seemed like an eternity!😩... I was experiencing the following from Sunday to Tuesday and didn't know it was labor until Hubbie googled what I was trying to say:

❇️ STRONG Braxton Hick's contractions that did not hurt but more frequent ones

❇️ Frequent pooping and usually after I had a Braxton Hick's contraction

❇️ Constant discomfort to where sitting down was uncomfortable

Disclaimer: I don't get back pain ever in life pregnant or not so it's not always a symptom for everyone.

❇️ I felt like he had dropped as well because I felt more front load weight.

On Tuesday when alllllll of this peaked from starting at 8am, coming about every 7 to 10 minutes, I was somewhat miserable when I arrived at my 37 week appointment. Doc checked me and I was 6 cm. She said, "Congratulations, you just bought yourself a ticket to Labor and Delivery!" LOL! I said, "Whew, hallelujah!" as I paced back and forth breathing through another Braxton.

So I get checked into my room and then... wait for it...

The contractions and everything CEASED! I was HOTT as some fish grease at this point! So of course I do what I did with Baby #1 and take off up and down the halls racing my 2 yr old. HA!🏃🏾‍♀️💪🏾💕... Took a lot of that and some squats and contractions were back. They were on and off until that night when they picked up from 9pm to 11pm. It still wasn't enough to get me to 10 cm fast enough!😩 By now, the nurse comes to check my cervix and I'm only 7.5-8 cm dilated. I could burn down the whole hospital right about now. Nurse told me to try and get some sleep but as soon as I got comfortable in the bed, those contractions went from cute to psychotic out of nowhere! So NO, there was no sleep for the weary AT ALL after that. I was up every 4-5 min from about 1 am until Baby was born having real contractions! When the nurse came to check on me, I asked her what time would Doc be in because this was exhausting me more and more. She said 7-7:30 am and I almost passed out because it was about 5 am. Those 2 hours seemed like an eternity waiting. Thankfully Doc came in at 6 am and I could’ve shouted when she walked in my room! She asked me if I wanted to just break my water and get to it and I told her to let me think about it. The thing is this, my water doesn’t break so just like with Baby #1, Doc had to break my water this time too. I knew that once I said yes to the (dress) break, it was going to get real and It would mean Go-Time!

Once that water breaks, your life is forever changed for reasons that have nothing to do with the baby’s actual debut. It’s the contractions that get even more intense, the pressure, the surges, the pushing, the breathing, the exhaustion from the pushing unless your one of those cute momma’s that push 2.5 times and the baby slides right out(🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽to y’all ...sorry not sorry). With my body not helping me push I had to do all the work and so I HAVE TO WORK OUT BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER my pregnancies or these babies would have to get cut out! And Lord knows I punk out over just a regular shot so NO BUENO for me! Plus I go natural, medicine-free for my births.

She came and broke my water after I got my mind right and prayed about it. I had a peace about it so she did it. So there was no 4 hrs of pushing for me this time and nothing to traumatize anyone this time either. WON’T HE DO IT!👏🏽🙌🏽👏🏽... I started around 7:30am pushing while squeezing the life out of my husband/doula each time or more like the choke hold. Reason was because of the pain I would feel after the contraction from my hip down through my groin was worse than the contraction itself. This isn’t something common for women so fret not virgin wombs. It happened with Baby #1 too. An hour later of that, crowning began. Once Baby was crowning, I finally felt this strong urge to push and like they say, it feels like you have to do #2 ( or doozie as we call it in my house), so you can’t help but push and I did. All I heard next was, “IT’S A BOY!”... after that, it got weird and I’m pretty sure I made everyone uncomfortable. I did tear but only needed one stitch this time.

SN: My other kid was sitting over in the chair next to my sister on his iPad mini and was cheering me on, clapping, whenever my doc said “good job!” Lol... Yes my baby was present and was unbothered. She took him out when he was trying to get up and then the baby came 10 seconds later. She was SO MAD!

Relieved it’s over, finally, I look up to see him and all I see is this juicy red baby with Red hair. I’m holding him across both arms and staring him from top to bottom and left to right for the first 10 loooooooong seconds while everyone is yelling affirmations at me... You did it you did it! Yaaaay! Go girl! It’s a boy! Nicia you did it again!

Me: “He has Red hair." Looking up again I say, “He has Red hair!”

Doc: “But he’s beautiful!”

Me: “But he has Red hair”


Me: “Whose Baby is this?”

Hubbie: He’s looking all googly-eyed and cheesing saying, “He has Red Hair like my dad.”

Me Inside: I sure wish you would’ve told me you Big idiot! I can’t believe he never told me. Out of all the conversations we’ve had in the last 13 years of knowing each other!!! (His dad was graying when we met so I didn’t know.) I’m still over him by the way.

Well I finally got over the shock and was holding him and we were staring a hole through each other. Then he wanted to breastfeed almost immediately and he was a PRO to say the least! That warm juicy body and juicy lips was everything and some. I was getting all his sugar. I was checking out every part of his body and counting as I went. My second heartbeat had come and all I could think about was the fact that I was a mom again IN REAL LIFE. I also was thinking to myself that he better get more color and SOON! Ha! I did have a specialist check him for albinism to be on the safe side. I like being prepared so that I can prepare my new love for his future. He checked out fine so we were relieved. Next I was just hoping he and his brother favored because of how kids are today and how cruel they can be. I’m just trying to stay off the 5 o'clock news. Judge Me Not. Other than that I just wanted to get out of that hospital and get back home so that I could get this party started.

So it's true what they say so far... No 2 pregnancies or deliveries are alike. Hopefully, the third time will be even better😳... In the meantime, have an amazing week ladies and remember that you're absolutely already AMAZING!


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