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Are You Really Living Your Best Life?

My mantra for my life is this, "If I don't have my peace and my health, a COIN can-not do ANY-THING for me. NOTHING!!! ... *yes I'm screaming it when I say it ...

Now you may totally disagree but think about how many celebrities have committed suicide and they had wealth. The one thing that always comes out is how they clearly had personal issues which is related to "no peace of mind." Why is it that most of their deaths included drugs and/or alcohol whether by prescription or by overdose. You ever thought as to why this happens? I know I do! I believe that a lot of times, it's due to people being so unhappy due to disappointments and keeping it inside or not. Consequently, their negative thought-life won and pushed them over into a place that they did not know how to break free from. I mean how many do right?

Think about it💡.

We have to really evaluate ourselves and think about what we're thinking about. If you notice a lot of the time you have thoughts of fear about certain things, extremely insecure to where you won't even try anything or do anything because of it, always comparing yourself to someone else, never happy with anything you have going on at the present or maybe your life altogether, then you're a strong suicide candidate. Not saying you will but saying you're present state of mind is where it begins. Tough reality but those who have taken their lives started right where you are ... A thought here and a thought there then it just took over and became a part of them. These thoughts were allowed to sleep, eat, and take up residence in their mind. So this is why we have to take control of our thoughts and what comes in and out.

Practicing thinking about what you're thinking about is a great "mental" exercise that we all need to do on a regular basis because life is not perfect for anybody so don't believe the hype. (We only share with people what we want them to believe.) So with that being said, yes there are other exercises your body requires to really perform at a high level. This form of exercise must be practiced over and over again until it becomes a habit just like body exercise. You have to replace each thought that comes with the truth which is, "I am worthy of any and all good things that this life has to offer me. I'm worthy of love no matter what anybody says. I am love and I am loved. I have the strength in me to do whatever I put my mind to. I'm not a quitter. I am a winner. I am more than qualified. I am a child of God. Jesus died for me so that makes me priceless. I am worthy. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am healthy. I can do all things through Christ that gives me the strength to do whatever I need to do each day. I brighten peoples day. Fear is not apart of who I am. I am amazing. I am brilliant. I am loving. I am caring. I am more than enough."

I bet you're taking your negative thoughts captive and never setting them free by replacing them with "true" affirmations like these. Those negative thoughts you have are a lie. They did not originate from you. They aren't from God. They're from Satan himself. Don't believe them. So try these affirmations and others you can think of that speak against the negative thoughts and fears that you may have. Remember, they are not yours. You were not created to live in fear and constantly roll around negative thoughts all day long. Sometimes, it can be as simple as you doing a self check of what you're listening to, who you're listening to, and what you're surrounding yourself with day in and day out. Just know that "you were created for better and greater."

Now go and practice and see how much better life gets. In the meantime, have a wonderful week and remember Ladies that you're already AMAZING!


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