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No Excuses! Keep It Cute Moms.

This is near and dear to my heart because I was raised by this and realized a couple months ago I had fallen into the trap and become a little lazy. In addition, recently, I had the pleasure of having a couple conversations with other moms who have done it too. Let's be honest though... IT'S AN EPIDEMIC! It's a crisis all over the world and it has to change ladies! Today is the day so grab your pearls because there will be some clenching involved...

Look I know you're a mom, wife, chef, maid, boss, booked and everything else under the sun, but you have got to care about what you look like. It's ok to want to be comfortable sometimes and not be all done up but come on, you know you could do a lot better. I know you're exhausted and the last thing you feel like doing is thinking anymore than what you have to when you wake up. But can you do me and you a favor as well as the rest of the world... C-A-R-E! Pray for it, do something to shake yourself out of the "Plane-Jane, Busted and Disgusted, Take me as I am" attire that you go to more times than you should. I'm telling you that you are worth more and deserve more than to settle when it comes to your attire, hair, face, etc. If you're honest, most of us need only an extra 15-20 minutes to add some cuteness to our look. It's ok to be all Natur-ale (roll the "ale" off your tongue) sometimes but not all the time. I'm all for the bare face hunni, but on the weekends I put on my other face. I call it my "weekend face." I don't wear makeup on weekdays because of what I do, but you better believe in my workout videos that you guys purchase, my hair is not standing on my head, there's a little eye liner on most, and the infamous favorite and forever love of mine, lip gloss! A must. Everyday. No days off. Period. The End.

My Moment of Truth

So a couple months ago, I was feeling like a blah and was looking for something on my instagram. I went scrolling down, down, down, and then I noticed something. OMG! It's the same girl pic after pic after pic! I had the same look from Nov. 2015 to Nov. 2016! I haven't gone down such a dark path in so long that it was shocking. I still was doing my weekend face but even then my hair was the same. So of course wives, what do I do? I ask my husband when he gets home. Ok, it was more like an imperative approach with much attitude than an actual question. "Why haven't you told me my hair has been the same since bible days and my workout clothes are dry and boring!!" Yes I was so dumbfounded at that moment. He gave me the ''you look fine to me" crap. Not what I wanted to hear. I knew I had been feeling different and not paying as much attention to myself as I should. So I started out straightening my hair which I never do and that felt a little better. I also took advantage of Victoria Secrets buy a sports bra and get a legging for $55 too! Workout clothes were now much better. Oh and I bought some small hoops to wear instead of my usual boy studs. Then right before my 4th hunnimoon (anniversary), I lightened my hair almost blonde (myself), then I got my favorite blonde marley braids a few days later. This gave me life and life more abundantly!!! I felt alive and like myself again. It was something I needed and didn't know what it was. I needed a new look or makeover. Whatever you want to call it. For me, this was enough to get me back to my mojo. It's different for everybody though. You have to find what will give you life again.

top left to right: Plane Jane everyday (1st two); straightened and curled; bleached (feeling myself); braids; and now goddess faux locs

Your Turn

Enough about me though. What about you? What's holding you back from taking time for yourself? Mine was being lazy and complacency. Is yours time? Kids? Work too much? No money? Mommy Guilt? Need a new wardrobe? Whatever it is, you and only you have the power to change it. You were here before those crumb snatchers ever came on the scene. Kids can drain you of that extra mojo each day and cause you not to care about what you look like but you matter too. You must love yourself first before you can love others. People will treat and respond to you the way you feel about yourself. So trick a few people and look cute for a change and watch how people around you respond. It matters how you look when you walk out the door. No one is going to tell you this so I'm telling you. Stop looking like a hott double mess when you walk out the door because it reflects more areas in your life than what you think. If you're lazy in one area, it will domino effect into other areas. Looks are infectious and results are addictive. When you look better you feel better. With that being said, step it up a little. You don't have to wear 6 inch heels and a full face of makeup to be beautiful. I'm saying, change it up a little, go the extra mile a little more than your norm and surprise yourself. You'll appreciate it more than you know. Others will notice whether they say a word or not so don't look for validation from others. You are your validation. God made you perfectly and that's that.

For most of us, we need to wake up an extra 15-30 minutes earlier so we can add that extra jazz to our look (i.e. heels, eyeliner, makeup, a cuter choice of clothing). Pair those outfits together differently than you normally do. Stop being so safe and in a box with your style every time. it's ok sometimes but keep yourself on your toes and switch it up from time to time. For some of us, it's our hair and that's a deal breaker for most. Look I'm all natural too so I know Le struggle sometimes when it doesn't want to act right. Prep your hair for whatever style you want at night time if that's what it takes for you to come through and look amazing the next day if you need to. Some of my sista's need to invest in some edge control which can take your hairstyle up several notches. For those with easy going hair that takes little to no manipulation, a nice messy pony tail is always classic and one of my faves when my hair was super long. For all ladies, YOUTUBE is the way to go if you just can't think of anything to do or hair is not a strength of yours. There are a billion how-to videos for whatever you want so NO EXCUSES. It's a matter of will power. How tired are you of the same old same old? It's time ladies. Look your best whether you feel like it or not. Marilyn Monroe said, "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." I'd like to add to that by saying, "Give a girl the right tools and she can conquer the world." Those tools can be anything, attitude, direction,a flat iron, job, education, mentor, wisdom, teaching, upbringing, position, favor, or opportunity. Pick one and run with it!

I hope I didn't step on too many toes, but somebody has to do the dirty work. Most people will not tell you the truth but I will so grab your pearls! Enjoy the rest of your week. Remember you're already absolutely AMAZING!


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