Mom Hacks: Things to Make Life Easier!
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Life can be so much easier if we had a book of magic spells we could pull out at our disposal right? UMMM YEA! I know you feel my everything when I say that! Oh how much easier it would be to get things done FASTER! I'm super competitive with myself so I am ALWAYS trying to see how I can be more efficient and productive all the time. I literally am a walking lab! Ha! From taking a certain route somewhere to how I can cook with as less cleanup afterwards as possible. I just have this secret belief that there's an easier way to do anything (or almost anything). Now kids on the other hand are different because they march to their own beat but there are even like one and half tricks that we can use even for them too. LOL!
Ok so I'm going to be all over the place with these so bare with me.
Hack #1:
So for baking veggies, I will use the infamous Reynolds Wrap Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil for my meal preps for the kids. For example, if I'm baking broccoli, potatoes, or kale I chop it down how I want, drizzle olive oil on it , season it, pour about a half to 1 cup of water in it, twist the sides up, then fold down the top tightly and BAKE. BAM! No pans no dishes to wash other than the knife I used to cut it down with. (After you have kids, washing dishes becomes bigger so I have to save time somewhere.)
Hack #2:
When shopping with your little ones, it's a must that you have "Mommy Hooks" for the stroller. Now there are other brands too that I have but this name was easier for me to remember. They have different types too so pick what works best for you. These are great for holding grocery bags, shopping bags, and purse. You just hook them and you're free! This is also great if you have a stroller that doesn't have a big storage basket underneath for holding more than just a baby bag.
Hack #3:
If your'e wanting to start sleep training your baby to sleep in their own room AND you're absolutely comfortable with them having blankets in their bed, then Cloud Island brand at Target is a must! The plush mattress covers and blankets are amazingly cozy for your little one. They're soooooooo comforting for baby when they feel them on their skin it's not even funny.
Hack #4:
If you have 2 kids and it's SUPER HARD to keep one quiet while the other sleeps during the day or even at night then buy a white noise machine for their room to drown the out the outside noise from entering the room. I researched these things for like a month until I found the best one that hit everything on my list. It's small, portable, and GETS LOUD and it had almost perfect 5 star reviews! So this one is called Lectrofan and you can purchase them at Bed Bath & Beyond for $49.99. They always have some kind of 20% off coupon so sign up and subscribe to them because they send them often. . . Ok, so you can hear them if you are outside the room which is good but they can't hear ANYTHING inside the room... which means you have a child that can sleep in PEACE... which furthermore means... *drum roll... You're other perfect child can scream, run, jump, and you can fuss without waking up the other kid! *cue the screams of thanksgiving for mom
Hack #5:
You may not like this one but every child is different and so is every parents patience, tolerance, parenting style, etc. So this hack is called Safety1st which is the name of a door lock and it has been a lifesaver literally. I bought this after the last straw my child pulled. "My child" likes to see how he can get around doing what you say not to do without you knowing it. I noticed this about him early on but didn't take it serious. Well, he's 3 now and right after his 2nd birthday, we bought him a "big boy room set." I felt like at the time it was the worst parenting decision I had ever made thus far because all it did was create 10,000 more problems that almost drove me to being on CNN news in real life. I wrote all about it a while back and it's called My Toddler Left Me No Choice. If you're still judg-ey after reading that post then hey oh well but I sleep at night knowing he is in his room safe and sound.
So these are a few of my hacks I use that help me TONS and I'll share more later on.
In the meantime, have a wonderful week and remember... You're ALREADY absolutely amazing!