Apr 28, 2017
Pregnancy Red Flag: Diastasis Recti
Ladies this is one of those untold, unheard, foreign terms to most women... until you become a victim of it unknowingly. Diastasis recti...

Feb 13, 2017
Your Heart Beats Red. So Does Mine.
As you may know already from reading my blog, I am a praying, bible reading, empathizing, motivating, pragmatic realist, but not...

Jan 26, 2017
Babies Should Start Solids Closer to 6 Months NOT 4 Months
Yes, 6 months! I know for ages you and your ancestors have been feeding babies as early as 4 weeks old on solids but that has manifested...

Jan 4, 2017
Business or Busy-ness... Which Are You?
It's a new year people and everyone is getting their LIFE right now! Prioritizing, vision boards (if you haven't already), making lists...

Dec 14, 2016
Screw the PPD Label!... It's Called "First Time Mom"
Well here's my first post that is loooong overdue people... BUT (*drum roll)... I'm so exciteeeeeeeed! Ok so let's get right to it. This...