Pregnancy: To Do or Not To Do Ab Work?
This is a debate in the mommy community as well as with some medical professionals due to the lack of education in the area. Being that the main focus all around is to eat healthy and take safety precautions during pregnancy, this is not highly dialed in on, and is very understandable. Many still aren't sure and others are against it all together. The concerns of moms are a list long but, ultimately, many (including some physicians) aren't all the way comfortable with it. What are your thoughts?
I never even thought of such until my first pregnancy. I had been studying and filling my brain with a ton of knowledge about the area because it was my passion and I was in the process of getting certified. I used my first pregnancy as my guinea pig before I encouraged others as I am now doing for my second pregnancy. I didn't do as much the first pregnancy, but I definitely do more now because I know more and I am more comfortable with my body. Also, I've researched even more of the benefits as well as other moms with their progress post pregnancy who did core work. Their babies were perfectly healthy and so were they. Also, there was no preterm labor, stillbirth, miscarriage, or other complications associated or correlated to do ab work or just exercise period during their pregnancies. They had amazing results post pregnancy. I have to say ladies, it's a MUST during your pregnancy. Lord knows, you need your ENTIRE CORE to push at the end. Very few women have that cute and short labor and delivery process. I, myself, did not but it was not due to anything I did wrong. My body, for some odd reason, did not help me push during the contractions so I had a TON more work to do than most women. Had I not been in shape and maintained it throughout my pregnancy (which was not easy some days), I would have probably had to go the medicinal route and possible sea section. Now, neither were an option for me AT ALL! ... but you do what you need to do by all means.
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