TIME...What Are You Really Doing With Yours?

I just want you to think about it for a second.
So let's take 15 minutes and break it down?
15 minutes is 900 seconds out of your day.
You have 86,400 sec in one 24 hour day, so what's 900 seconds?!!
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... reading about how bad everybodys day was on Facebook.
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... day dreaming when you add it all up in a day
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... scrolling Instagram before you even get out of bed
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... hitting snooze a 2-3 times (depending on what yours is set to)
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... trying to figure out what you're going to eat most days!
❌ You waste 900 seconds ... in 1 drive-thru some days (and most of those are UN-healthy😡)
So guess what, you have 15 minutes in your day just for you too. Why can't those 15 minutes be exercise??? Shouldn't you be doing something that at least benefits you for the long haul if you're going to waste it? How about we choose something worth while that can do more for our entire life than what ends up being a 45 minute scroll on social media.😩
My question, is for me included because I get lazy too sometimes, "Why do we play Russian roulette with our lives like we do?" Then when something in our body goes left and Doc says something bad, "we sling-ing SNOT left and right!" I mean we can't blame anyone but ourselves really. Think about it... You may not know nutrition well but you could easily google it; schedule a consultation with a nutritionist, dietitian, or consultant (me🤓); or even go buy some books on it. Couldn't you? We work for what we want when we want. It's all in what you're willing to do and how bad you really want it. You'll save months for some shoes or an outfit, sacrificing other things, but refuse to cut bread out for a week🤔... hmmmmm... Oh and let me take it a step further! You will gain 15 lbs and go buy new clothes with money you don't have instead of pushing back from the bread, cake, chips (my guilty pleasure 😖) and ice cream! Y'all how IN-SANE are we!??
Now I myself can't relate with the whole buying new clothes whenever I've put on weight. I think it's a W A S T E of my "money" and my "time" and Lord knows I’m SUPER passionate about my time. I cannot stand to waste my time on anything from eating something that’s not mouth watering or even watching a show that I had to schedule time for! I will throw a whole friend away if you take up too much of my time with nonsense and misery that you choose to partake in. I HAVE NOT THE PATIENCE!
My philosophy I've always lived by is this:
〰️I don't alter my clothes to fit this body. I alter this body to fit these clothes.〰️
🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 So to the gym I go! (before kids that is; now it's mi casa)
I know with age, our bodies change, and it's inevitable to not gain some weight with it, BUT... The weight gain is only a few pounds here and there over years. Gaining 15 pounds in 3 months ISSA NO!
So when y'all see me out and about and you say the words I HATE to hear the most ...
"I just don't have time to workout girl." I just think to myself, "Well you'll be making time to die sooner or later."
Lets just have a loooong moment of silence for those 6 words that have killed soooooo many people. That's probably the biggest lie ever told out of our mouths! But uuuh...
HEY SIS! You do know people have died for less right???
Would if I said, “You don’t have time to die today either or do you?” Like let’s say you can actually schedule a time to die this week. What day would you choose? Would you get everything done in time so you could do it at 3pm on Friday? What would you lose? What would you gain? Who suffers?
"YOU" have to take care of you. We hear that as moms and women and it goes through one ear and out the other. I say "you" because we sometimes depend on others to do something that we're responsible for. Your husband may pay the bills and take care of everything but it's your responsibility to take of you. That's the difference. . . You Are Responsible For You.
So sit on that for now and next week we will tackle a different aspect. For now, enjoy your week and remember that you're already AMAZING!