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My Toddler Left Me NO Choice!

Why on earth would you lock your child in his room at night might you ask??? That’s not good parenting! Is that even safe??? 

First off, Judge ya own mama! NOT ME! ... Sorry I had to say that because mom-shaming is REAL! 

People forget that no two kids are the same. Some kids are much smarter and clever and well versed so those kids have to be structured and reared much differently because their brains are ALWAYS active like a computer almost and are always looking for the next thing to get into. Some have real issues and fears and so that's something totally different and can't sleep alone every night. Some kids are easy going and “low maintenance” for a lack of a better word. Maybe that’s my 7 month old baby because my 2 yr old toddler IS NOT at this moment! He is VERY SMART, learns quickly, brain can configure things like an engineer, can figure out how to work ANYTHING on his own, thinks he can outsmart and run circles around you BUT then looooooves to PREACH on his 🎤 ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Loves himself some God! Literally listens to our church app and watches our pastor EVERYDAY on his own. HA! When I was in the hospital, he was figuring out how to work the machine that monitored my baby (and my contractions) while the nurse was watching him. She was SHOOK!!!!!



A.K.A. "The Adventures of Ki"

He sneaks out of his room all times of the night grabbing toys and bringing them back to his room. One time we caught him trying to come down the steps at 11pm😳. Hey, I'm married so that's not allowed if you know what I mean! 👀👁👀.  I find books in his bed he’s been (trying to) read and chewing on ...AND then there’s the DIS-GUSTING WET PIECES that he chewed & flicked on the floor!!! (Thank God or at least I hope he did spit them all out.) He sneaks in the laundry room and puts dirty clothes in the dryer with clean so It takes me FOR-EVER to do laundry because I have to separate clothes AGAIN! Oh and laundry is my most HATED chore!!! When I go in his room in the morning, he has socks all over the room and a new set of mix-matched socks on EVERYDAY that he wakes up so there’s never a match available anymore (which doesn’t bother me). He even changes them throughout the day. I’m pretty sure clothes are next since he’s been practicing putting on his pants and shirts😫 ...He even goes into the 👶🏽 room and tries to put on the 👶🏽 socks. Before this door lock, 👶🏽 couldn’t sleep in his room because Poppi would of course WAKE HIM UP during The Adventures of Ki!

⁉️⁉️⁉️SO I HAVE NOT SLEPT IN MONTHS!!!!!!!! I’m up fussing at him at 2, 3, and 4am in the morning because he is up doing E-V-E-R-Y-THING!!! He just rolls over out of his sleep and it's on and poppin'! Oh and I was having to make sure I put the alarm on at night just in case he wanted to take it too far while we were asleep and pull a teenager move. 


I heard him get up about 30 minutes before I left. I had a meeting to go to and right when I'm about to pull out the garage, our babysitter runs out and with Exhibit A (below) in her hand telling me he had eaten several and his mouth was THREE different colors!!! All I'm thinking is that she caught him beforehand hand when she went to get him out of his room. NO! He had INGESTED these things! ANNNNND had the nerve to hide the other ones under his pillow!  AND was acting out because she was trying to clean his mouth out! Seriously dude!?! All I want to do is fall out at this point. They were out of reach so clearly he used some trickery.  So of course, I jump out the car and run in and he's standing at the top of the steps looking as pitiful as I've ever seen him look because he knew he was in major trouble. I scolded him real good. He would've gotten a time-out and spanking if I didn't have to leave. Yes I said spanking!!! Once again, Judge Ya Mama!!! Not Me! Yes he gets those because we follow the B-I-B-L-E in this house and not those non-children having psychologists who want to tell me how to raise my kids! 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽... Also, I speak "healing, health, wholeness and protection" over my kids, hubby and I daily so I wasn't too stressed about anything toxic affecting him (even though it says "non-toxic" which still doesn't excuse anything). Honestly, I'm so in tune to God that I had already had a feeling that he had done something but I didn't know what it was so I just spoke those words over him JUST IN TIME!

Listen, my child taught me real quick that he's in a (temporary) stage where he likes to cross the line and would likely give me a heart attack at a young age because of his curiosity with things above his pay grade so I will not be that parent crying over their child at the hospital or WORSE, a funeral all because I gave up on him at this age. Accidents will happen but there's a difference between curiosity and spoiled/disobedient. Kids die for less everyday and when I tell my child to stand next to me in a parking lot, I don't have time to be saying it 5 times when cars are moving. I need to be able to say it once and they know to not move from by my side when my hands are full. One kid is cute. TWO kids, it gets real... so if your one child doesn't listen to you and does whatever they want, do yourself and the world a favor and DO NOT HAVE A SECOND until you have that one together first. I have much reason why I say that and I'll share it in a later post so stay tuned!

Results of Lock

1. He's naturally a 12 hr sleeper throughout the night so now he’s sleeping throughout the night again because he doesn't have any adventures to look forward to. Yes Lord! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

2. He had stop taking naps so now he naps again. Hallelu! Won't He Do It!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

3. His behavior is much better during the day because now he is rested and can think straight.

4. He eats a lot naturally but it's a little better with him not having to eat all day. (Your brain tells you that you want carbs A LOT when you are sleep deprived so rest helps alleviate that a lot especially if you eat healthy already.)

5. My PEACE OF MIND and I can rest more easy knowing he is safe and not into anything.

I know that was a lot moms and future moms but it’s the real and by now you all know I keep it 💯 with you. You do what you feel is best for you and your child. This is what my husband and I are agreeing to for our child’s safety, health and  our marriage because all this can effect you guys too believe it or not over time if there’s no shift towards the positive end because it creates a lot of bad attitudes which lead to arguments, etc because of the one not getting any sleep.

Well now that I've given a dose of birth control, enjoy your week beauties!!! In the meantime, you're already ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!



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