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Life With ✌🏽Kids

I know this sounds crazy but the truth is... 

Don’t judge me even though I could definitely understand if you do but... 

I must say... *drum roll


No I’m not losing it! Is it the hormones? Maybe! Lol ... 

It’s totally insane some days, but it’s such an adventure. I do love a challenge and this was definitely that the first few weeks for sure! 

⏺30% is due to LACK OF SLEEP

⏺25% is due to your body having to heal so you have to do EVERYTHING in slow motion so you’re not right back at the hospital again,

⏺15% is due to you and Baby still getting to know each other. (I.e. baby’s likes and dislikes, how he likes to sleep, favorite position to be held)

⏺15% is due to the fact that the two arms (and boobs) you had before have now been confiscated by your newborn and so your toddler can kind of get a way with more than before. Don’t get me started with my child the first 2-3 months! 

⏺15% is due to the fact that you have to learn a new routine.


With my toddler turning 2 years old twelve days before the newbie was born, it was SO ROUGH THE LAST TRIMESTER! It was bitter sweet because I knew it would be the end of our frequent 1 on 1 time so I would take him on little brunch dates weekly and we would try to smother him with lots of kisses and QT too. . . 

Oh but the worst part that NONE of you veteran moms shared was how bending over to clean anything anywhere, BATHTIME 😩, picking him up to just be held, picking up things he dropped or anything for that matter, or messes he made when he would eat! Let's not leave out the stuff they do on purpose too that drive your nerves in the dirt! Don’t laugh! I’m so serious! There were times if he dropped something I would almost cry because the idea of bending over with all that belly and him being so LOW filling me out was torture because it definitely meant I had to hold my breath and spread these legs as far as possible as if I’m giving birth. No bueno¡ My last 8 weeks were more challenging with stuff like that because both of my babies were BIG well before their due date and buried themselves as low as they could in there. One thing for sure, I’m so glad I workout before, during and after my pregnancies because the way my babies positioned themselves down there should have had me unable to walk and CONSTANTLY headed to the bathroom but it didn't 🙌🏽. Keeping in shape keeps your abdominal and vaginal muscles really tight so I never had to pee more often than normal or feel any pressure on my vagina or bladder during my pregnancies. Hallelu! Won’t He Do It!!! 🙌🏽 Y'all heffas better start working out NOW!🏋🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💪🏾


(bare with me because I'm about to be all over the place)

It's really different but not in a terrible way like people try to make it... Once my kid got closer to turning 2 he started running away when we want to hug and kiss on him so now we have a new baby to SMOTHER and CUDDLE with. *Mornings are ROUGH because Poppi (2 yr old) is up at the same time as Poppa (newborn) before I can get my arms free enough to get breakfast started and me dressed, Poppi has to stay in his room having "me-time" (😂) from anywhere between 45 min to 90 min. I knooooow! It's really bad! So let me explain: If I go get him before I have breakfast ready then I have to juggle both and he nor myself will be able to eat for HOURSSSS!  I REFUSE to spoil Poppa and strap him on me in his baby carrier. He already likes to be held as it is even at night when he sleeps if I let him. Trust me. I was his pillow for a week and about lost it. 

Another thing is getting ready. *I start my "get ready" process about 2 hours before the departure time because I know that I will have to stop several times, to give a snack to Poppi or breastfeed Poppa, peak in on Poppi to make sure he isn't tapping into his creative 2's and the list goes on. ( I'll do a separate post on how I get ready with 2 kids and still keep my sexy and myself without being late all the time.)  *Establishing a new routine is probably the biggest hurdle for me right now.  For me it's his night time sleep that's still not 100% consistent yet and I HAVE TO HAVE that in order to get a little more consistent for me so that I can get at least 6 hours of UN-interrupted sleep in before he wakes up to nurse. We're almost there so I'm not complaining. Once that happens though, I will definitely be rested enough to feel like a human that has a business and can tend to it daily. *Ok so grocery shopping can be a pain because not all buggies are big enough for a car seat, toddler and groceries. I just get small items when they are with me for the most part and I use the bottom of the buggy for big and small items. Of course, when I really need to get down and dirty with my grocery shopping, Hubbie has to come and push Poppa in the stroller OR I just go alone with 1 kid. He's bigger now so I can put him in my Ergo baby carrier. No, I haven't tried the wrap kinds because I'm not interested.

(Side Note:  Take Hubbie with you sometimes, so he can see what it's like and will be willing to help out or freely watch the kiddos for you. Sometimes they don't quite get the whole struggle with you just telling him. Include him a few times so he can see firsthand how it goes down! Don't tell him that's why you want him to come though...shshshsh!!!) 

So far this is my experience. I could say much more but you would be reading FOR-EVER!!!  

You're more than welcome to drop your comments below, DM me on IG or FB with any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc.  

As always, have an amazing week Beauties and remember you're absolutely already AMAZING!!! 



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