I'm Tired and Busy! How Do I Push Through To Workout?
This is the question I get all the time everywhere I go!!!
"How do I get started?"
"I want to workout but I just don't have the time."
"I'm too busy and I have kids!"
It's especially hard if you're pregnant! Heck! It's hard in regular non pregnancy life! Who am I kidding!?? I admit it's hard and the biggest challenge ever if you have never had a fitness routine or ever been into it... For my pregos, if you're sick the first trimester, then you barely have the strength to stand up, get out of the bed, or even make it to bathroom in time to either pee, puke or E. All the above... (use your imagination). If it is the third trimester, depending on how much you have gained so far, if you're super exhausted, swelling or pain in hips and nerves, then you are definitely not the poster mom for fitness right now! It's no joke for some women.
Now this is not the scenario for all women because some women get NOTHING! They just glide right on through pregnancy all cute and everything. I know some but there is so much light at the end of the tunnel that all the woes will be forgotten or mean nothing to you once you see and hold that baby for the first time and get the groove of motherhood. For a lot of us, it's catapulted us into things we would have never done, but there's a true strength and brilliance that comes along with motherhood.
Click below to really push pass all the woes and excuses and buckle up because I am not taking it easy on you at all in this video! NO MORE EXCUSES!
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