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Don’t Let Mommy Guilt Drive You Loco!

Look moms, you do waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for your kids to feel guilty for anything you do for yourself from time to time. I just had to come out and say that because someone needed to hear that from the jump.

Now let’s dive right in...

So for starters, who even came up with this term anyways??? Reason I ask is because moms are being ruined by this and diminishing day after day in who they are because of it. So “mommy guilt,” (MG for short) is what almost every mom feels at some time or another. What I’ve found from talking to other moms, is that it has become a legit condition for most! It’s taking over moms to the point that they will not do anything for themselves EVER!

Look, I’m all for being mom of the year and wife of the year, but when you start going LOCO trying to be “Perfect Patty” it’s a problem. What I’m saying is this... do what you can with what you can, the time you can, the weather you have, the resources you have, the people you have, the hands you have, the job you have, the money you have, the car you have, the house you have, the husband you have (🤣), the kids you have (😂), the clothes you have, the hair you have, even the life you have and depend on God for the rest. 🙏🏽Us moms have enough to combat just because we’re women so to add to that is just suicide in so many more ways than one.

So which one of these are you?

⁉️ I didn’t spend enough time with the kids today

⁉️ I haven’t done anything educational all week with them

⁉️ They haven’t gotten any veggies today

⁉️ They’ve had fast food for dinner everyday this week

⁉️ I’ve just been so tired that I haven’t read them a book the last couple nights

⁉️ I’m a bad mom for letting them be on their iPad ALL DAY!

⁉️ I let them watch too much t.v.

⁉️ It was sunny today and we stayed in the house instead

⁉️ I worked overtime all week and missed bedtime with the kids.

⁉️ I yelled at my 1 yr old today

⁉️ I made a crappy dinner because I had work to do

⁉️ I'm too strict on my kids

⁉️ I won't let them be kids

⁉️ My life is such a burden on my kids

⁉️ I wish I would not have had them when I did

⁉️ We promised them a summer trip and now we can’t afford to anymore

⁉️ I can’t ever bake cookies for her class. I always have to buy them because of our crazy schedule😫

Look, I know you want to be the best mom and/or wife you can be but the truth is, you’re going to miss the mark from time to time. Can you do better? Maybe, but there’s always room for improvement in all of us. You’re not going to always get it right. Yes, it gets frustrating and overwhelming at times but that’s because you are responsible for a whole life that came with ZERO manuals! Outside of that is a job, husband, businesses, organizations or other things that you have or give your time to that require attention and can add to the stress of everyday living. You cannot possibly think that with some or all of these factors that you won’t miss the mark from time to time?!! It’s inevitable! Be ok when you don’t get it right. Be ok if it takes you LONGER than Susie or Erin. Just know that you will eventually and most of all, DONT STOP TRYING! You cannot quit! You have to at least try. You only fail when you never tried to begin with.

Straight up...

“You are NO GOOD to anyone exhausted, beat down, stressed out, short fused, and worn out!” You must change your mindset or you will lose who you are completely!~Mrz D.

New Perspective

✅ First off, it is what it is. Period. Point blank. The End. Accept it.

✅ Secondly, you’re NOT PERFECT! This is the one that messes us up too often ladies! Like who decides this is my question? We are imperfectly perfect, and beautiful with the smarts to bag it up. We’re the coolest specimens planet earth houses on a daily basis. We make the world go round. Without us there is no us. We are in high demand all the time. We’re discriminated against daily but yet we rise above and beyond everyday. We are EVERYTHING and some!

✅ Thirdly, you’re value is incomparable to any other. You’re priceless. There’s only 1 you! No one can do you but you. No one can be you but you. Because of your uniqueness, you’re a necessity and unmatched.

✅ Fourthly, you have EVERYTHING in you to be who and what you were created to do in ALL YOUR ROLES/JOBS! You’re more than equipped so STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF! You have gifts, talents and abilities with a flavor that only you can bring. No one else. You are BOMB.COM!!!

So from here on out, please give yourself a pass. Your kids are perfect. You take great care of them. Your husband sees what you do even though he doesn’t always communicate it to you. With that being said, hire a babysitter and go on that much needed date or two or three with your husband (🤣), take that weekend getaway, get that manicure, pedicure, massage, that much needed ME-TIME, or that outfit you’ve been eye balling online for the last 3 months! For crying out loud, PLEASE GO GET YOUR HAIR DONE!!! You deserved to do all 17 roles/jobs SUPA FINE! You're WORTH IT LUVSSSS!❤️❤️❤️

In the meantime, BE great, have a wonderful week and remember you're already absolutely AMAZING!



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